Monday 22 October 2018

why degree is worthless

Tik tok tik tok tik tok my eyes are fixed on the clock, every second feels like a minute and every minute felt like an hour. I am already board to death by all the games on my mobile and theirs nothing much to do here. Every one is sleepy and tired no one really wants to be here including the teacher but somehow here we are. I don't even know which chapter or hell sometime which subject we are suppose to be studying.  So why are we here for what, well the answer is ATTENDANCE. Yes, you see in most colleges the way teaches make sure that student attend classes is by having a minimum attendance requirement of 75% at least and in my college it went up to 85%. Because who wants to make education fun , interesting, or even relevant, no one is allowed to question why are we learning all this and how will it be used in industry, nobody cares. All our curriculum is decided by some board without any input from industry, not much has changed in last 20 years some chapter gets shuffled around but that's it. But practices in industries have changed so much that what we are learning today is history not actual engineering. I wonder sometimes that teachers actually believe that they are improving our future or they just care about their salary. The teachers who actually believe that their subjects mattered were the worse. They were like Arnub Goswami who yells at politician thinking he is change India by doing so. I wonder how many student would turn up in classes if attendance restriction is removed, not many I guess. 

This went on for 4 years once you get your degree you think ohh I can get a job now only to find out that their are 10 billion other student with same useless degree as you also searching for job. Once you get a job( by connections or mass recruiter ) you find out, your fear was right you know nothing and all this time and energy is wasted for good. And to get what a worthless piece of paper what's the point of all this. You think you drink you dread but everything after office & you wonder what else I could have done. I got good grades in school in college so why I am so useless now. Is this all that life has to offer you go from one soul crushing experience to another will it ever change and how? How can I save my life, what I could have done to not be in situation.

Well, worry not their are things that you can do at college or well even after college to make sure you are on a right path in life. Here are 4 steps you can take today to not suffer thorough the hell of life.

Step 1: Accept the truth

This is hard for some people, after all getting a degree require effort and money. How can we call our degree worthless. Well to be frank it's not worthless it's just hyped. A BE/ BTech BCA BCom all degree are essentially the same. They are just a filter to get your career going. Yes you can't get a job without degree so have a degree any degree even a correspondence one but do have it. However, realize that it's not a magic wand that will get you a high paying job, you need competence to get a job. We will see how we can create competence in following step.   

Step 2: Identify your area of competence

What the hell is this area of competence all about, glad you ask. Their must be some thing that you have done in your life that truly felt amazing. Like time has passed by and you haven't even realize it. And no not PUBG but you know for some people it's writing code or for some it's dancing or music. You have to identify what is the thing you can do every day of your life without wanting to kill yourself or better what you can do where time just fly by without even realizing it. If nothing comes to mind than you need more experience in life. Try something new things that you have never tried before. Their are going to be a lot of hit and miss in this step. But the idea is that their should be at least 3 things that you can commit to yourself for rest of your life.

Step 3: Study the industry behind your passion

So you have few thing that spark your interest, good you are already ahead of most people. But passion is not enough to build a career out of. You need to know the path you want to take is worth all the effort you are going to put into. So how to know your passion can turn into cash? Ask the internet well it's a start. Lets suppose you want to be a musician you are good with drums and you want to be a really success full drummer. Just google how to be a drummer it's not rocket science it's simple keep an open mind and read few article. Also when you are at it, also google how a drummer makes money. It will give you a lot of information about your choice. May be being a music teacher has more scope and realistic than being a musician. Keep an open mind and find out. Do this with all your option. You need to find out how to make money doing what you are passionate about and how realistic your goals are( how much money you can actually make).

Step 4: Create skill 

After step 3 you should have only one option left. You are passionate about your goal you earn good money from it, now comes the hard part be a fucking god at it. You see not good but god. In any industry only top 20% people create more than 80% of content. Almost all the century has been scored by only handful of players. Messi & Ronaldo score almost all the goals, Federer & Nadal almost win all the grand slam. Inequality is the rule of nature. So if you are not at top 20 % of the industry you should quit and do something else in life. So with this mindset you should do the second most important thing. Find a good teacher. You can do online course but finding a teacher you can go to is crucial. Now creating skill require you to have patience, take things slowly at the beginning and built thing over time. It's also important to listen to any criticism of your skill, you see we all think that we are better at things than we are, it's important to realize your true skill level. It's okay to be bad at something that you are passionate about. As the saying goes every master was once a disaster.   

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