Macros :
Macros are symbolic
constants and they are used for improving the readability.
The general syntax for
defining the macro is ,
#define macroname
e.g.#define MAX 50
Now, MAX is a macro and where
ever we write MAX it will be considered
equivalent to 50.
And also ,
will results in an error,
as MAX is replaced by 50 , so the
statement means ,
as we cannot assign one
constant into another so it will give an error .
Consider the following code
#define PI 3.14
void main()
float radius,area,circum;
cout<<endl<<"Enter the radius of the
circle :";
//calculate the area of the circle
area=PI * radius * radius;
// calculate the circumference of the circle
circum = 2 *
PI * radius ;
cout<<endl<<"Area of circle :"
<< area;
cout<<endl<<"Circumference of the
circle :"<<circum;
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