Sunday 15 September 2013


 The Pointer is the special kind of variable , which is capable of storing the address of the another variable.
The general form of declaring the pointer variable is ,

          datatype *pointername;

        Consider the following statements ,

                int a=5;

 This statment will declare the pointer variable with the name , a and is capable of storing the value of an integer .This statement will intialise the variable a with the value 5.
                int *p;

    int *p;
This statement will declare the pointer to an integer , that is , the pointer variable capable of storing the address of an integer type variable.


 & operator(Ampersand) is also known as "Address Of" operator and is used to access the                                 address of a variable.


* (Asteriek) Operator is also kown as "Value At Address" operator and is used to access the value                       stored at a particular address.

  *p ==> *(1000) ==> Value at Address 1000 ==> 5

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